Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Too Long

Well it's been forever since I've posted anything but I just felt like writing today. Anyway, I am ridiculously excited because it's almost summer!(: The swimming, hangouts, tans and especially the sun! You can't get enough sunlight! Throughout the winter we forget what's waiting on the other side of the horrible weather...After winter we get spring and then summer! But there is one bad thing about upcoming summer...I'm not ready!! I'm not ready for bathingsuits and tanktops and short shorts yet!
               I've decided that I need to lose 30 pounds this summer... I'm not sure how though...There's pills, and diet plans, and ridiculous foods that supposedly make you lose like 15 pounds in a week but I don't know if I wanna just take the pills and the diet plans cost money...And my doctor isn't being very helpful..Doc keeps telling me "eat healthy and stay active"..Nah really?? I wish I would've thought of that! When you're like me, eating healthy is a challenge..I'm always on the go and I don't always have time to pick out the better food choice. And it's hard to eat healthy when at my house because let's get real...junk food tastes better. And at my house that's really all we have.
                 The whole active part, I am active...I play sports and I workout when I can (which isn't very often) but even when I was working out all the time and I was making good food choices, nothing was happening...I still wasn't losing weight and I'm not patient enough...
                  Another problem is motivation...I just never feel up to it....Whenever I want to I don't have the time and when I have the time I never feel up to it. Erg! It's irritating..
                   But anyway if anyone has any tips on these problems I'd be glad to hear them....(:

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