Thursday, May 12, 2011


Oh my Gosh! I am so excited that it's almost summer already! We only have 14 days of school left not counting today or the day that we go to Silver Lake all day. That's probably my favorite part of the year. Every year the entire school goes to Silver Lake for an entire day. We seperate by grades and we get to swim and play volleyball and listen to music and just hang out with all our friends...It's really awesome and that's the one time of year that the teachers are pretty cool.. The kids that are into science get to hang with our science teacher Mrs. Greene and look for snakes and other kids get to fish and really there's not a single person who wouldn't like the trip. It's just awesome! It's really nice that they reward us for reasonably behaving all year. And I know some people would disagree but I really do think Tecumseh is a good school...We have a good system going I think.(:
Oh yes and on the whole lose thirty pounds thing, I decided that I was going to take the ultimate challenge...P90X! I read some reviews on it and there wasn't a single negative one... But I have a friend who did it for a month and couldn't handle it past that/: So I hope that I have enough will to pull through it...I really think that considering how bad I want and need to lose this weight I think I can pull myself through it.
Today was reasonably good. Started off kind of iffy but it was great by 2nd period.(: I got to hang out with ALL my friends today which doesn't happen very often. I had Paige 2nd period, Kayla and Brodie and Caleb 3rd and 4th, Kayla 5th, Bailey 6th and then EVERYONE 7th!(: It was pretty cool!
I have been trying to bring up my grades lately because I want to go to Ohio State University for a major in Psychology and be a Criminal Profiler for the FBI! Yeah, Big Plans! But I want to bring up my grades. I already have an A-B average but I want to get all A's on my report card this quarter. So I have an A+ in Pre-Algebra, B in Social Studies, C+ in science and a B+ in Language Arts...It's kind of weird because Pre-Alg is my worst subject. Crazy huh?! But anyway, I have been working ridiculously on the other subjects but I'm worried that I don't have enough time...I mean 2 weeks is not a very long time...The reason I have a good grade in Pre-Algebra is because she gives us a test like every other week so theres alot of chances to bring it up..but in Social Studies we only have homework like once a month and we've honestly only had 4 tests this year...And Language Arts is just because I'm in the advanced and I don't understand most of it...And Science..I just don't like it and she only gives us 10 points per test and gives us a test like once every two months!! But I really need to bring up my grades in the next 2 weeks...Joy!/:
I am so excited for tonight...I'm going to my sisters softball game because she's on a Pre-Teen team but I'm in Juniors now but alot of my friends are on her team so I'm gonna hang out there for a few hours and my Best Friend Kayla might be going with me.(: Another good thing is I really want a sunburn! And let me explain why! Sunburns are like my trademark...Whenever people see me with a sunburn they realize "Oh yup it's almost summer!" And to me it just kind of shows that you have a life, you know? It shows you don't just hangout inside all day!
Anyway! I've gotta get ready to go so write later(:

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